Dangerous Drug Lab

Dangerous Drug Lab Recognition
Topics Covered:
  • Current Micro Lab Trends
  • Indicators of Fentanyl, BHO & Meth Micro Labs
  • Identifying Cutting Agents Used in Common Micro Labs
  • Analyze Chemistry Involved in Manufacturing Fentanyl, BHO, and Meth
  • Dangers of Processing Fentanyl, BHO, & Meth Micro Labs
  • Evaluate Current Evidence Handling Procedures for Micro Labs
  • Proper Protective Equipment
Course Overview:

Over the past few years, patrol officers and narcotic investigators have faced a litany of new and challenging obstacles to combat the war on drugs. Although meth labs have been steadily decreasing across the United States, there has been an increase in several types of dangerous illicit drug labs to include Fentanyl, Butane Hash Oil, and Liquid Meth conversation labs.

Fentanyl has claimed the lives of thousands of people across the United States. From minor skin contact to inhalation, fentanyl can be lethal in the smallest of quantities. Detailed information will be presented on indicators of common types of fentanyl labs to include pill presses. 

Butane Hash Oil (BHO) labs have become increasingly popular across the United States for individuals involved in the illegal distribution of drugs to include “dabs.” Butane is highly flammable and can explode if not handled properly. Patrol officers have the highest probability of encountering a BHO lab, but often have the least amount of protection. Detailed information will be presented on the recognition of a BHO lab and the proper safety equipment needed to process a BHO lab.

With the influx of crystal methamphetamine from Mexico, clandestine meth labs have decreased in many areas of the United States. However, all meth labs like the one-pot method are still surfacing in parts of the U.S. as well as liquid meth conversion labs. Detailed information will be presented on the recognition of all meth lab methods and the proper safety equipment needed to process the lab.

With new synthetic drugs becoming more popular such as DMT, PCP, ISO and several others, the manufacturing of these drugs in the U.S. has labs popping up across the country on a regular basis. Patrol officers and investigators need to equip themselves with the knowledge of what the dangers are, how to recognize them, and, most importantly, how to mitigate the threat.

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